name of reproductive system

- uterus/womb ウゥーム
- womb is only used during pregnancy
- ovary
- fallopian tube
- cervix/neck of womb
- vagina
meno-/nens-: related to the monthly period
word | meaning |
period | common name of menstrual period メンスゥトロール |
menarche メナァァキィ | the first period in a lifetime for woman teenagers: 初経 |
LMP | Last Menstrual Period ex.LMP 2/52 ago= last menstrual period was 2 weeks ago |
menstrual cycle | length and frequency of period |
prolonged | period lasts more than 4 or 5 days |
heavy period | excessive blood loss=menorrhagia メノレイジィア, with clots=coagulated blood コアギュレイテッド:凝固血 |
period pain | dysmenorrhea ディスメノリィア (dys+menorrhoea=problem with monthly flow) |
menopause climacteric クライマクテリック | the time when woman stop menstration |
hot flush | sudden sensation of heat:顔面紅潮 |
night sweat | 寝汗 |
contraception 避妊
- oral contraceptive pill (known as “the pill”)
- diaphragm
- intrauterine device(IUD): 子宮内避妊器具
- condome
Pregnancy and childbirth
to carry a child = to be pregnant with a child
ex. she is carring a child = she is pregnant with a child
word | meaning |
delivery/childbirth/parturition | 分娩、出産 |
labour | 分娩 |
Expected Date of Delivery(EDD) | 出産予定日 |
Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery(SVD)/natural birth | 自然分娩 |
C-section(caesarean section シィザリアン) | 帝王切開 |
umbilical cord | へその緒 |
ectopic pregnancy | 子宮外妊娠 |
premature | 早産の |
postmature | 過熟の |
stillborn | 死産の |
★spontaneous abortion と induced abortion の違い
- spontaneous abortion=miscarriage: 自然流産
- induced abortion=termination of pregnancy: 人工中絶
lie and presentation
- fetal lie – the position of the fetus in the uterus
- longitudinal ランジテューディナル – normal lie
- transverse – abnormal lie
- fetal presentation – the part of the fetus’s body that leads to the way out through the birth canal
- vertex presentation – with the head, noemal
- breech presentation – with the buttocks, abnormal

Today’s new words
English | Japanese |
abbreviated アヴリヴィエイティッド | 略して |
have a period/get a period | 生理になる |
collocation | 連語 |
salpingitis サルフィンジャイティス | 卵管炎 |
hysterectomy (hyster+ectomy) ヒィストレクトミィ | 子宮摘出 |
biopsy バイオプシィ | 生体組織検査 |
termination | 終了 |
birth cannal カナァル | 産道 |
trimester トライメスタァ | (主に妊娠期間の)3ヶ月間 |
postpartum | 産後 |
dyspnea ディスピニィア | 呼吸困難 |
sleep apnea アプニィア | 睡眠時無呼吸 |
onset | 始まり |