sensory loss 感覚消失
sensory センソリィ
Function | Loss | other symptoms |
hearing | deafness | buzzing(ブンブン) or ringing in the ear (tinnitus ティナタス :耳鳴り) |
sight | blindness | double vision(diplopia ディプロピア:複視) blurring ブラァリング(loss of visual acuity アキュイティ:視力) |
sensation (feeling) | numbness (anaesthesia アナスthィージア:麻酔) | tingling(ヒリヒリ) or pins and needles (paraesthesia パラスthィージア:感覚異常) |
balance | unsteadiness | dizziness |
Loss of consciousness 意識消失
When patients describe sudden loss of consiousness コンシャスネス…

- I passed out.
- I fainted.
- I had a blackout.
- I had a fit.
- I had a seizure. シィージャァ
- I had a convulsion. コンヴァルション
★fit,seizure and convulsion refer to involuntaly movements in epilepsy. エプレプシィ
★Syncope:失神とSeizure:てんかん発作 の違い
- Syncope-usually occurs while standing, under severe stressor arrhythmia:不整脈
- Sometimes a urinary incontinence:失禁 (loss of control of the bladder) occurs.
- Dizzinessand light-headed occur before syncope.
- Seizure-occurs in epilepsy.
- visual aura occur before seizure(epilepsy)
The motor system

I’ll run a examination of motor system.
assesment points | meaning |
bulk バァルク | size and amount of muscle tissue. Look for wasting/muscle atrophy:筋萎縮 |
tone | tension of muscle tissue. Spasticity:痙性? or Flaccidity:弛緩性? スパスティシィティor フラシィディティ |
power | strength |
coordination | the ability to use several muscles at the same time to perform complex actions. |
gait | the manner of walking |
reflexes | actions that happen as a response to a atimulus without conscious thought. 反射作用 |
involuntary movements | tic or tremorトレェマァ:震え |
Tendon reflexs(腱反射)

↑ tendon/reflex hammer
response | describe as… |
0 | absent |
– | diminished |
+ | normal |
+++ | brisk/active/energetic |
★reflex と jerk
- reflex-automatic reaction:反射作用
- jerk-quick forceful motion:反射運動
Nervous system

- brain
- brain stem
- spinal cord
- nerve

↑ neuron/nerve cell : ニューロン/神経細胞
- dentrite デェントライト:樹状突起
- nucleus ニュークリアス:核
- axon アクソン:軸索
- synaps:シナプス
- nerve-group of neurons :神経(名詞)-神経細胞の集まり
- nervous-related to the nerves :神経の(形容詞)
- neuro-related to the nerves ex.neurological system
Todays’s new words
English | Japanese |
epileptic fit/attack エプレプティック | てんかん発作 |
syncopal attack シィンコパル | 失神発作 |
syncope シィンコォピィ/fainting | 失神 |
prodromal symptoms プロドロゥマル | 前駆症状 |
light-headedness | 意識朦朧 |
plantar reflex | 足底反射 |
coma | 昏睡状態(名詞) The patient is in a coma. |
comatose コォマトウス | 昏睡状態の(形容詞) The patient is comatose. |
droop | うなだれる、たれる |
limply | ぐにゃっと |
gist | 要点 |
peripheral ペリィファラル | 周辺の、末梢の |