Examination of the abdomen

My abdomen is distended (bloated).
【How to examine】
①Confirming shifting dullness(によって腹水の有無を確認する)
- percuss or tap with the patients lying supine(仰向けになった)
- ask patient to lie on one side and purcuss again
- the dull note are heard on percussion moves, if fluid is present
②Palpate each region, feeling for tenderness
- guarding may be due to tenderness or anxiety and can be reduced if patient is persuaded to relax
- rigidily is consintant and due to peritoneal irritation
- rebound tendness is a sign of peritonitis
③Listen for bowel sounds
Examination of the faeces

- How often do you open your bowel?(bowel habits)
- Are you going to the toilet more often than normal?(change in bowel habits)
- Are the motions hard or loose?(consistency:硬さ)
- Do the motions have an unusual smell?(offensiveness)
- What about the appearance of the stool?(colour)
- Have you passed black stools?(blood)
- Is the size or the amount of the stool normal?(bulk:大きさ、容積)
stool | describe as… |
Melaena | tarry – like tar (black sticky substance) |
a high fat content | clay-coloured, looks pale |
large in volume | bulky |
bad smell | offensive/foul |
Today’s new words/diseases
English | Japanese |
distend | 膨張させる |
palpate | 触診 |
auscultate アスカルテェイト | 聴診 |
percuss パーカス | 打診 |
rigid | 硬直した、硬い |
tenderness | (痛みなどの)感じやすさ、圧痛 |
rebound tenderness | 反跳痛 (腹部を圧迫する手が解放されたときに感じられる痛み) |
masses マセス | 大きな塊 enlargement of tissue |
gurding | 筋性防御 |
peritoneal ペリトニィール | 腹膜の |
peritonitis | 腹膜炎 |
irritation | 痛み/不快感 pain/disconfort |
ascites アサイティズ | 腹水 |
respiratory レスピラァトリィ | 呼吸の |
quadrant クワドラント | 四分儀 (abdomen is divided into right/left upper quadrant, right/left lower quadrant) |
otorhinolaryngology | 耳鼻咽喉科 oto-rhino-laryn-gology |
coeliac disease コーリィアック | セリアック病:腸粘膜消化吸収障害をもたらす (coeliac:腹腔の) |
ulcerative colitis | 潰瘍性大腸炎 |
jaundice ジョンディス | 黄疸 |
cellulitis セルユライティス | 蜂巣炎(ほうそうえん) |
tuberculosis テュバキュロウシス | 結核 |
tetanus テェタナス | 破傷風 |
anthrax アンソラックス | 炭疽病(たんそびょう) |
strep throat ストレップ | 溶連菌感染症(streptococcus:溶結性連鎖球菌) |
canker sore カンカァ | 口内炎 |