Talking about symptoms
loss of energy
Sumptom: tiredness, lethargy, fatigue, lassitude
- lethargy=lack of energy
- fatigue=tired from exertion 労作

I feel tired all the time.
I feel completely worn out.
I’ve been feeling exhaused lately.
general feeling of being unwell
Symptom: malaise マレイズ

I feel unwell.
I don’t feel well.
I’ve been feeling off-color.
I haven’t been feeling myself.
I’ve been out of sorts.
loss of appetite
Symptom: anorexia アノレキシィア

My appetite is poor.
I’ve been off my food.
increase in weight
Symptom: weight gain

I’ve put on 8 kilos in the past.
I’ve gained 5 kilos.
decrease in weight
Symptom: weight loss

I’ve lost 5 kilos.
hard,infrequent faece 糞便
Symptom: constipation

My motions are hard.
I’ve been constipated lately.
I’m not very regular.
★その他 general feeling of discomfortを表すとき
- I feel off.
- I’ve been out of it.
Understanding expressions of patients
1.a burning sensation means…a hot feeling
2.cold sweats means… a fever symptom
3.feeling bloated and lethargic means…feeling swelling and tiredness
4.present with means…to see a doctor for a reason
5.eats on the run means…to eat quickly while moving
Today’s new words
English | Japanese |
defeacation | 排便 |
faeces フィーシィーズ | 糞便 |
reflux esophagitis エソファジャイテス | 逆流性食道炎 |
motion sickness | 車酔い |
food poisoning | 食中毒 |
ingest | 摂取する |
instinct | 本能 |
chill | 悪寒 |
germs | 細菌 |
pathogen パthォジェン | 病原体 |
rotten ラテ(ン) | 腐った |
definition | 定義 |
heartburn | 胸焼け |
belch/burp ベルチ | げっぷ |
cramps | 痙攣 |
emesis エメシス | 嘔吐 |
barf | 吐く |
guts | 消化管、腸 |
solid | 固体 |
flatulence フラチュレンス | 胃腸内にガスがたまること |
laxatives ラクサティブ | 下剤 |