
Day25 Therapies

Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy

  • Radiotherapy – the use of radiation to treat cancer, damaging DNA of malignant cells
    1. as curative treatment 治療的処置 ex.) shrinking tumours 腫瘍を小さくする
    2. as adjyvant treatment ジュヴァント 補助的処置
      • alongside or following chemotherapy(treatment with anti-cancer drugs)
    3. as palliative treatment リィアティブ – reduce pain and other symptoms
radiotherapistperson who determine the dose and targets for radiation beams
garys(Gy)dose is measured in Gy
fractiona daily dose
radioactive implant
a radiation therapy in which radioactive material(needls, liquids) is placed directly
into or near a tumor


【ex. a life as a physioterapist

  • Patients are referrals from other departments
  • Work with patients in rehabilitation
  • Some are young people with sports injuries, others are elderly people who have hip replacements 人工股関節置換手術
  • Therapies are
    1. manipulation 整骨 – to evaluate, diagnose or treat with hands in palpation, reduction of dislocations and changing the position
    2. massage – focuses on improving and maintaining your overall well-being
    3. exercise – to keep the joints mobile and strengthen muscles
    4. helping patients to walk again using crutches 松葉杖 or Zimmer frames 歩行器

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy(CBT)


  • one of the “talking therapy” for mental health conditions
    • anxiety, panic attacks, depressive disorders, post traumatic stress disorders(PTSD) and chronic fatigue
  • is provided in face-to-face sessions with therapists
  • is provided by computer as well
  • is more effective than counselling
  • can provide long-term protection against relapse

Today’s new words

lower extremity エクストミティ下肢
torn ligament トーン ガメント靱帯損傷
cartilage tear ーティレイジ軟骨損傷
orthopaedic オーthォディック整形外科

