
Day24 Dermatology

Dermatology – study/science of skin


wound(n) wooンドゥtissue trauma 傷
puncture(v)to make a hole
compromised(adj)jeopardized ジェパァダィズド 危険にさらされた
internal injuries(n)injuries occurring withinthe body, not always visible on outside
life-threatening(adj)dangerous, having the potential to cause loss of life
decubitus(adj) デキュビタスlying down
tetanus(n)an infection caused by bacteria called Clostridium tetani 破傷風
crush injury(n)the rusult of physical trauma from prolonged compression(圧縮) 
cleanse(v)make thoroughly clean
integumentary system(n)
the set of organs formig the outermost layer of animal’s body 外皮系
bony prominencethe areas of bone that are close to the skin’s surface 骨の突出部分
coccyx area キシックスthe very bottom portion of the spine 尾てい骨
1deep puncture wound
-can cause internal injuries
ex.)results from a stabbing
2puncture wound
-caused by a sharp object
ex.)results from stepping on a nail 鋲を踏む
3bruise ブルーズ  打撲傷
4bedsore/dermal ulcer/pressure sore
-caused by lying in one position for extended time
5laceration ラセレェイション
-caused by cutting
6crush injury

Injuries to the skin

  • mechanical injuries to the sikn 機械的損傷(外傷の一種)
    1. caused by blunt forceント 鈍的外傷 ex.) a punch from a fist
      • abrasion アブレイジョン (also called a graze or a scratch) is a superficial injury. Only the epidermis.
      • contusion コンテュージョン (also called a bruise) is an injury that occurs when blood vessels in the skin are darmaged.
      • laceration 裂傷 (also called a tear 破れ目) is a wound involving both the dermis真皮 and epidermis 表皮. Relative lack of bleeding.
    2. caused by sharp force 鋭器的外傷 ex.) a knife
      • incised wound (also called a cut) is a break in the skin. ex.) wound caused by a razor blade カミソリの刃
      • penetrating wound is the deep wound (depth is greater than superficial length). ex.) stab wound caused by a knife.

Conditions of skin

-flat, distinct 他と異なる, discolored are
-flat, large discoloration
blisters 水ぶくれ on the skin
hive/urticaria, elevated, discolored,changes shape, itches
dry, cracked ひびの入った,
flaky skin 薄片からなる
gpustule スチュール
pimple, pus bulge 膨らみ
-a sore
ipurpura パァピュラ
-blood spots
jecchymosis エキィシス
common bruise

Today’s new words

freckleフレックル /sun spotそばかす
eczema グジィマ湿疹
hive/urticaria アァティキャリィア蕁麻疹
sweat rash汗疹
lichen planus イケン プレイナス扁平苔癬(へんぺいたいせん)
scar/cicatrix スカァ/サイカトリィックス傷跡
incision インシィジョン切り込み、切り口  just cut
excision エクシィジョン切除  cut and remove
lesion リィジョン(皮膚の)損傷
cold sore単純ヘルペス(風邪・高熱に伴い口周りにできる発疹)

infinitive (不定詞) or -ing form (ing形)

  • -ing form
    • megafepsdapamisc メガフェップス ダパミスク
      • m – mind
      • e – enjoy
      • g – give up
      • a – avoid
      • f – finish
      • e – escape
      • p – put off 延期する
      • s – stop
      • d – deny
      • a – advise
      • p – postpone
      • a – admit
      • m – miss
      • i – image
      • s – suggest
      • c – consider
  • 意味が異なる動詞
    • remember, forget, try
      • I forgot to print my bording pass – 私は乗車券を印刷し忘れた
      • I forgot printing my bording pass – 私は乗車券を印刷したことを忘れた
        • I forgot if I printed or not の方がナチュラル!!!

