- follice-stimulating hormone(FSH) フォリクル
- is produced by the pituitary gland
- is necessary for sperm production(=spermatogenesis スパマトジェニシス 精子形成)
- luteinizing hormone(LH) ルテイナイジング
- is produced by the pituitary gland
- stimulates the production of testosterone
- testosterone
- is produced by the testicles
- is necessary to continue the process of spermatogenesis
- is important in the development of male characteristics(muscle mass 筋肉量 , strengh, fat distribution 体脂肪分布, bone mass 骨量 and sex drive 性衝動)
The structures

1 | testicles(testes) -make sperm and testosterone |
2 | epididymisエピディディミス:精巣上体 –stores sperm, make sperm mature |
3 | vas deferens デファレンス:精管 –transport mature spem to the urethra |
4 | seminal vesicle -make sugar-rich fluid that give sperm energy and help with spem’s motility |
5 | prostate -contribute additional fluid to the ejaculate |
6 | urethra -carry urine and ejaculate sperm |
7 | ureter |
8 | urinary bladder |
9 | erectile tissue イレクタイル |
10 | scrotum |
11 | penis |

1 | vas deferens |
2 | seminal vesicle |
3 | ejaculatory duct –empty into the urethra |
4 | bulbouretharal glandsバルボユリィthラル / cowper’s gland -produce a clear and slippery fluid that lubricate the urethra and neutlize any acidity |
- penis ピニス
- has 3 parts
- the root – attaches to the wall of the abdomen
- the shaft – sharped like a tube, become rigid and erect イレクト:勃起した when filling with blood
- the glans – end of the penis, coverd with foreskin:包茎
- circumcision サーカムシィジョン:包茎環状切除
- has 3 parts
- semen シーメン:精液
- is ejaculated 射精する through the end of penis when reaching orgasm
- the flow of urine is blocked from urethra and only semen is ejaculated when the penis is erect
- scrotum スクロォタム:陰嚢
- is around the testicles and holds them
- regulates the temperature of the testicles
- ejaculate(v) イジャクレイト
- ejacutale(n) イジャクリット
Today’s new words
English | Japanese |
chamber | 室 |
erection | 勃起 |
sac | 嚢 |
oval | 卵形の |
fertilization ファタライゼイション | 受精 |
empty into | 移す、注ぐ |
lubricate ルゥブリケイト | なめらかにする、円滑に運ぶ |
erectile dysfunction(ED) | 勃起不全 |