Shortness of breath (SOB)
- shortness of breath = breathlessness = dyspnoea(dys-pnoea:bad-lung) ディス(ピ)ィニィア
- orthopnea(ortho-pnea:straight/correct-lung) オォthォプニィア : 起座呼吸
- Difficuty breathing when lying flat because of fluid in lung
- SOBOE = Sortness Of Breath On Exercise (Exertion, Effort)

I get terribly short(adj) of breath, climbing staris.
I have shortness(n) of breath.
I feel short/shortness of breath.

How many pillows do you sleep on?

I use two or more pillows.
Heart rhythm
- normal resting heart rate is 65~75 breat per minute (bpm)
- hreat rhythm
- regular heart rhythm
- irregular heart rhyrhm = arrhythmiaエリィズミィア : 不整脈
- premature beats = early beats : 期外収縮
- fibrillation = condition, completely irregular : 細動
- palpitation = feeling, patients describe awareness of irregularity : 動悸
- mitral valve replacement : 僧帽弁置換術(そうぼうべん)
- 左心室と左心房の間にある僧帽弁の開きが悪くなる病気(僧帽弁狭窄症)の治療に用いられる、僧帽弁を修復する手術。
- atrial fibrillation : 心房細動
- 本来は一定のリズムの電気活動で動く心房が、無秩序に電気活動をして痙攣している状態。
Hreat failure
- cardiac output = the amount of blood pumped by heart each minute
- heart failure
- left heart failure cause breathlessness
- 左心房・左心室が正常に働かないと肺に正常に血が流れず、呼吸困難を生じる。
- right heart failure cause periheral oedema エデマ (swelling) beginning in the feet and ancles
- is known as pitting oedema : a finger is pushed into the swelling
- 右心房・右心室が正常に働かないと大静脈からの血を循環させることができず、浮腫を生じる。
- left heart failure cause breathlessness
Structure of heart

1 | right atrium エイトリィアム |
2 | right ventricle ヴェントリクル |
3 | left atrium |
4 | left ventricle |
5 | tricuspid valve トライカスピッド |
6 | pulmonary valve |
7 | aortic valve エイオォティック |
8 | mitral valve マイトォラル/biscuspid valve |
9 | septum |
10 | superior vena cava |
11 | inferior vena cava |
12 | pulmonary artery |
13 | pulmonary vein |
14 | aorta エイオォタ |
AV valve = atrium + ventricle valve = tricuspid valve, mitral(biscuspid) valve
pulmonary/aortic semilunar valve : 肺動脈 / 大動脈 半月弁, 逆流を防ぐための弁。

1 | endocardium |
2 | myocardium |
3 | epicardium |
4 | pericardial cavity |
5 | parietal pericardium |
6 | fibrous pericardium |
Physical examination
inspection→palpation→percussion→auscultation の順序で行う
looking→with hands→with fingers→listening
【ex. syanosis の場合…】
- Inspection
- inspect the hands for clubbing (swelling)
- Palpation
- feel radial pulse at the wrist – regular or irregular?
- note the heart rate / pulse rate (bpm) and rhythm
- feel peripheral pulse
- measure the blood prssure at neck (juglar venous pressure=JVP)
- systolic blood preesure : 収縮期血圧
- diastolic blood pressure : 拡張期血圧
- palpate the chest for the apex beat : 心尖拍動(しんせんはくどう)
- feel any thrills
- Percussion
- measure the size of heart
- Ascultation
- listen for murmurs
- soft or loud?
- harsh murmurs = loud and rough
- abnormal sounds
- friction rubs 摩擦音, beginning at the mitral area
- listen for murmurs
Today’s new words
English | Japanese |
abbreviation | 略語 |
fluid | 流体 |
ventral/anterior | 腹側 |
dorsal/posterior | 背中側 |
ceohalo- | 頭の |
juxta- | 近くの |
hold up/delay | 遅らせる |
exert | 用いる、働かせる |
alveolus アルヴィオォラス | 肺胞(単数形) |
alveoli アルヴィオォライ | 肺胞(複数形) |
phlegm フレム | 痰 |