words | meaning |
pyrexia パイレキシィア | fever/temparature, PUO=pyrexia of unknown origin: 原因不明熱 |
rigor リガァ | shaking from fever, shills and cold seats: 悪寒 |
glandular fever | mononuecleosis モノニュークリオシィス, kissing disease: 腺病 |
★fever and pyrexia
adjective- feverish フィーヴァリッシュ/pyrexial パイレキシィアル
opposite- afebrile エイフィィブラィル/apyrexial エイパイレキシアル
Infection 伝染病
- caused by living microorganisms (viruses, bacteria)
- potentially cureble
- have communicability 伝染性: transmission of pathogenic organism
- cause pandemic/epidemic outbreak (pandemic>epidemic)
- prevented by
- hygienic measure ハイジェニック :衛生対策
- vaccine (rubella vaccine ルベラ:風疹ワクチン)
- drug prophylaxis プロフラクシィス :薬物予防
Have you caught/ picked up some disease from ~
I think I’ve caught the flu bag that’s going around.
Microorganisms 微生物
- bug – for patients ばい菌、微生物
- germ – for patients 細菌、病原菌
- microbe – for patients/doctors 微生物、病原菌
- microorganism – for doctors 微生物
- fungi ファンギィ/ファンガイ- 真菌
- protozoa プロトゾウア – 原虫
- parasite – 寄生虫
How we get infections
- endogenous エンドジネス- from patients: 内因性の
- exogenous エクソジネス- from outside source: 外因性の
What does it mean to be carrier?
Someone who’s usually healthy,
but carries a pathogen and could be contagious
What’s the incubation period of COVID?
1 to 14 days.
incubation period = time from exposure to appearance of symptoms.潜伏期間
What’s the period of infectivity?
period of infectivity = time that patients is infectious to others.感染性期間
Today’s new words
English | Japanese |
past history of relevance レラヴァンス | 病歴 |
etiology イーティオロジィ | 病因学 study of the cause of a disease/condition |
epidemiology エピディミオロジィ | 疫学 study of infectious disease |
cureble | 治せる |
degenerative=de-generat-ive | 退行性の |
pathogenic | 病原性の |
airborne | 空気伝染の |
attenuate アテニュエイト | 弱毒化する |
contagious コンテェイジャス | 伝染性の、伝染病を持っている |
myalgia マイアルジィア | 筋肉痛 |
catarrh カタァ | 鼻風邪 |
measles | はしか |
mumps | おたふく風邪 |
palpable | 明白な、触知できる |